Congrats Courtney!

Each month I honor one of our fit fam members. Our fit fam includes weight lifters, runners, ab challengers, social media followers, and what I like to call our “yoga hotties!” Yep, these peeps know how to rock their yoga with consistent practice, leaving them feeling HOT!
This month, my client spotlight is Courtney. She is a yoga hottie.
From Courtney:
I knew her and her daughter Belle. I have been doing yoga for 6 years with Kathy.
Before starting this journey I was in an unhealthy marriage that I refused to acknowledge to myself or anyone else. I gave up numerous opportunities from the time I was 17 to be with this man and I believed I could make it work and make it better. I had two young children that needed their world to be ok. And then I started getting sick, serious kind of sick, requiring surgeries and major medical intervention. Once, so driven and goal-oriented, I had somehow lost my way and lost connection to my self.
And then Kathy said those words I will always remember, “yoga is a journey of self-discovery” and I have never looked back. Health is dynamic and requires commitment and dedication. Health requires active participation in life-affirming actions, like yoga.
My goal is to continue on the health and fitness journey with Kathy.
Kathy is an exceptional trainer and yoga instructor.
The goals that she has helped me achieve are self care, discipline, increased mobility and flexibility. As a nurse, I know that our health is our greatest wealth.
Preserving my health through yoga has been an amazing journey that has been supported every step of the way by Kathy’s commitment and dedication to our yoga class.
I have gained inner strength as well as physical strength. I have often told Kathy that attending her yoga class these past 6 years has been a life-line for me during an extremely challenging time in my life. It gave me a framework to learn and understand the importance of grace under pressure. It gave me a connection when I had no other connection in my life. It gave me hope by keeping me moving, and as long as I was moving, I was moving forward in life.
Health is your greatest wealth and time is your greatest asset. Kathy Dolan respects and honors each of our abilities to foster healthy habits in our lives by providing a myriad of fitness classes and time-honored approaches to healthy living. I will always be a part of Kathy’s fitness world.
Fun Facts
My favorite saying used by Kathy is: “Yoga is a journey of self-discovery.”
The best part of the training : “Doing what you think you cannot do.”
Favorite “cheat food: “Sour gummy bears”
Where do you see yourself a year from now: “Doing yoga 4-5 days a week every week”
Any other comments: “Would you consider doing a yoga retreat, where we get to join you for a weekend, where we get to do yoga 2 times a day?”
Who would you like to thank?
“Kathy and Belle, because as a family you both make this fitness world possible for all of us.”
“I met Kathy 11 years ago at my local Athletic Club, where she was known as the best yoga instructor. I hired her as my personal trainer for quite a while. I was old and fat and that was 15 years ago. Unlike most trainers, Kathy provides individual attention even in group classes. She points out our weaknesses and tells us what we can do about them. Over the years I have increased body strength and mobility. For a long time, I was keeping up with people 30 years younger than me. Today, even with my health problems, I can still do quite a lot. Doctors say “keep it up.” I’ve learned how important core strength is to enjoying life. I was hospitalized earlier this year. Nurses wanted to give me a walker or a wheelchair, as well as P.T. I had no problem walking because of my training. I joined the gym to meet people, and the only longtime friends I have from those three years were people I met in Kathy’s yoga class. I like to just set up my mat and tablet in my home. There is no need to drive to the gym, change clothes, find a place to set up and reverse the procedure afterward. I was seriously ill for two years and continued to do my best every week, I only have 5-10 lbs. to lose. I walk 2 to 4+ miles a day and don’t need a walker. If you’re under 60, a walker is probably not a threat YET. My goal is to lose some fat without losing muscle. I plan to continue doing the best I can until I can’t 🙂 With Kathy, I am 10 pounds lighter and have a 1 inch less waist. I would like to thank Kathy, Belle, and Courtney. My yoga buddies.”
-Dan’s favorite cheat foods are cake and beef.
-Dan’s favorite “Kathy Saying” is Savasana.
Meet Christine. Amazing mom, wife, and career superstar. With consistency and hard work, she has transformed her habits and her body. A structured weight training program, macro makeover, and cutting down on her cardio running time produced the results she was looking for. With online Health Coaching, you get what you need to improve. Stronger, Faster, Better! There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to health and fitness programs and routines. Watch for her story and training details on my blog!
Train to enjoy that amazing ride, hike, and LIFE! Meet Elliott! Busy life as an architect with lots of desk time and travel. He rarely misses a workout with the convenience of MY NEW VIRTUAL TRAINING STUDIO! Elliott enjoys motocross, car racing, mountain biking, and skiing! He brings a positive attitude to every workout!
“The virtual training option offers the flexibility to get my workouts done in different locations. Kathy always makes them challenging and at a higher level than is possible on my own. The camera allows a high level of detailed supervision like the trainer is in the room. It really boosts my energy to get the day started early with a positive accomplishment.” -EB