It’s almost time to start and celebrate the new year! It’s about transitioning to another day, week, and year of living your best life.
Invest in your future and customize your goals and workouts to match. Do it with little lifestyle changes or life hacks!
As we transition into a NEW YEAR follow your intuition and make healthy choices for yourself. As we put away the thoughtful and lovely Christmas gifts received from others, let’s not forget the real gifts in life cost nothing.
Take time to celebrate good health, family, and friendships. Celebrate that you have free will, resources, and time to work out. When you hit the workouts, celebrate! As you toast the new year, take a minute and turn your attention inwards to observe and acknowledge the facts of your life which you are grateful for.
I unwrapped a few goodies that would be the perfect addition to your gym bag, home gym, or kitchen.

I found a kitchen essential if you use cooking oils! Macros are a fact of life and when you can get them right, you will live the dream. Dropping weight is something that takes lots of little lifestyle changes over time. Skip the starvation-cleanse-with-hours-of-cardio this year.
It looks just like any spray bottle right? Well, the spray pattern is what makes this a macro counters dream. It controls the number of calories you are using with your favorite oils. Click here. Having a hard time getting your diet macros right and in line with your health and fitness goals? Hire a pro and get a customized plan in place.
As some of you know, I have been working through a shoulder injury and this vibrating foam roller arrived at just the right time. I already notice a difference in the inflammation and mobility. I spend 10 minutes each night rolling out the thoracic spine, and shoulders. Not sure how to use a foam roller? Sign up for a session or two here.

Celebrate your body and your ability to move! Happy 2019!
Yours In Health and Fitness,
Kathy Dolan